If you are in your 40s, are losing plumpness in your face and have a few extra pounds to shed, you may want to consider fat grafting! In a fat transfer, a cosmetic surgeon uses excess fat to plump up areas of the body – usually the eye area, lips and cheeks. The procedure takes fat from the lower abdomen or inner thighs.

There are several benefits to fat grafting, and risks are low. Still, it’s important to work with a licensed and certified cosmetic surgeon who has experience with fat transfers. Let’s discuss the benefits to fat grafting and if this procedure is right for you.


Benefits of a Fat Transfer

 The biggest advantage to this procedure is that the fat comes from your own body. You cannot develop an allergic reaction to it as you can with other types of fillers. Your body naturally accepts the fat.

Another benefit is that most of the fat is permanent. Other types of procedures require you to have constant injections, but using your own fat is much longer lasting, usually 3 to 10 years. This saves time and money going forward, and you don’t have to worry about a change in your physical features every few months.

A final advantage to fat grafting is that it’s low risk. There is swelling and minor bruising over the first week, but you can begin to see effects right away. The procedure is done using anesthesia to keep you comfortable and can be completed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office. Talk to your surgeon about your risks.


Is the Procedure Right for You?

The best candidates for a fat transfer are those who are healthy, have a significant amount of volume loss in the face and have an area that excess fat can be taken from. Risks and complications are low, but tell your surgeon if you suffer from diabetes, hypertension or other uncontrolled conditions.

While the procedure can be used to plump up the areas around the eyes, the lips and the cheeks, it is most effective for the cheeks. The cheeks offer more flexibility in terms of being voluminized. Around the eyes and lips requires more precision and can show up in lumps or bumps if too much fat is used.

Remember, your procedure can only be as successful as the surgeon you choose. Always work with an experienced cosmetic surgeon who has had success with fat grafting and can show you before-and-after photos from past clients.

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