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Best Plastic Surgeon New Jersey: 5 Instances When You Should Think Twice About Getting Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has become more and more main stream. Now, it is not something that just celebrities get; by now, you probably know or at least have heard of someone who has dabbled in plastic surgery. While cosmetic surgery can positively impact people’s lives, allowing them to feel more confident in their skin, not everyone should get surgery—especially if it is for the wrong reasons.

That being said, best plastic surgeon New Jersey gives you 3 instances where it may be wise to think twice before going under the knife.

Best Plastic Surgeon New Jersey #1. Getting Cosmetic Surgery Because Someone Told You To

Sherry was in her late twenties. She had always thought her nose was slightly bigger for her face but it did not affect how she viewed herself. However, her mother kept on trying to convince Sherry to get a nose job.

Her mother had had the same nose and, thirty years ago, decided to get a nose job. She loved the results and thought her daughter would love them too. However, Sherry had not been too concerned about her nose until her mother started to bring it up. While the intention was endearing, Sherry was starting to look more in the mirror assessing her nose than she had before.

Was there something wrong with her nose? Could she benefit from a nose job, as her mother had said?

What You Need to Know

Let’s get the facts straight; Sherry did not want—or even consider—getting a nose job until her mother kept pressing her. She had not thought of her nose that much and was now starting to notice it more.

While Sherry’s mother’s intentions could be coming from a place of love, ultimately Sherry may want to think twice before looking into getting a nose job. For one, her mother—not Sherry—has been recommending it. And two, before her mother’s insistence about a nose job, Sherry had thought little of it.

Those two reasons are enough for Sherry to say no to cosmetic surgery. At the end of the day, this decision needs to come from you and you alone.

Best Plastic Surgeon New Jersey #2. Wanting Angelina Jolie’s Lips

Rachel had always admired Angelina Jolie’s lips. In fact, she thought that if she had Jolie’s lips, she would look more like Jolie and her life would then be better. She had been thinking about this for a couple of months and had now decided to start researching plastic surgeons.

Should Rachel continue her search and eventually get the lip implants? Or should she not?

What You Need to Know

First and foremost, there are a number of different, non-invasive routes for Rachel to explore before choosing the most permanent one, lip implants. If Rachel is so keep on making her lips bigger, perhaps getting lip injections from a licensed plastic surgeon would be better?

That way, she can see if she likes the results. Who knows? After getting the lip injections, she could realize that bigger lips are not for her.

And then you have to consider that bigger lips, while complementing Jolie’s proportions, may not fit the proportions of Rachel’s face.

It is for this reason why it is important that, if Rachel wants to proceed, needs to find a reputable and experienced plastic surgeon. Plastic surgery is part science, part art.

An experienced and reputable plastic surgeon will be able to assess Rachel’s features and determine if bigger lips would fit her face or not.

Best Plastic Surgeon New Jersey #3. Always Looking in the Mirror

Jessica had always been concerned about her appearance since she could remember. She had always made it a point to look at herself in any reflective surface. She could easily spend hours in the mirror, seeing if her features were symmetrical and picking out all of the flaws. Jessica thought that if she got a nose job, her life would be perfect and she would be beautiful.

What You Need to Know

Two things stand out: the number of hours Jessica looks at herself and the perception that if she got a nose job, her life would be perfect. What these look like are signs of body dysmporphic disorder, a disorder where the individual is obsessed with his or her looks. This is more extreme than just those teenage years worrying about your appearance. It becomes especially damaging when it takes over the indivual’s life, preventing him or her from stopping looking at himself or herself and living a high-quality life.

What Jessica could benefit from is not a visit to the plastic surgeon but perhaps an appointment with a psychologist. Plastic surgery, in this case, would only patch a void that would eventually be open again, potentially leading down a path of multiple (unnecessary) surgeries in the attempt of “physical perfection.”

Best Plastic Surgeon New Jersey #4. Saying Yes to Plastic Surgery Too Soon

When Charles was watching TV, he saw that one of the characters on the TV show had an attractive chin. Only thinking about slightly here and there, Charles made the choice that he should have that chin. He started calling plastic surgeon to get a consultation booked.

It had only been a few days since the TV show had aired and Charles had come to this decision. That being said, should Charles have the surgery or should he wait?

What You Need to Know

As we have mentioned before, invasive plastic surgery usually is permanent. In other words, if Charles went forward with the chin implant, his “new chin” would be with him for the rest of his life. That being said, this is not a decision to take lightly and certainly not one to make at a moment’s notice, as it seems to be Charles’ case.

What Charles can do is wait a couple months to see if his decision end up changing. If it does, it is a good thing Charles did not go through on his spur of the moment decision. If, after a couple of months, Charles is still set on getting that chin implant, then perhaps he can start looking up experienced and plastic surgeons.

Best Plastic Surgeon New Jersey #5. Thinking Your Life Will Be Better After Surgery

Samantha had been debating on getting breast implants. She had always felt insecure with her body and thought getting breast implants would not only improve her confidence but revolutionize her life.

Samantha had felt down about her life for quite some time. She was tired of working the same old job, and wanted something new and exciting to look forward to. Overall, she thought that the breast implants would be it. Samantha started to look up qualified plastic surgeons who would be a good fit. Should Samantha go through with the implants? Or should she wait?

What You Need to Know

While breast implants may improve Samantha’s confidence, getting plastic surgery will not all of a sudden make a patient’s life go from bad to great. Overall, there is something bigger at play here if Samantha believes this. If she does go forward with the surgery, she could be disappointed with the results since she does not have realistic expectations.

In this case, it may be best to hold off on the surgery and for Samantha to get her life together and make some changes so that she does feel good about it, with or without breast implants. After doing this, if Samantha still wants implants, she can always go forward and book a consultation.

Best Plastic Surgeon New Jersey: Final Thoughts

Overall, getting plastic surgery should not be taken lightly. It is a permanent fix and, while the results can have a positive affect, the choice should still be taken seriously. This is why it is important to know why you are doing the surgery and if you would be content with the results 5, 10, 15, or 20 years after.

Are you considering plastic surgery? If you have gotten cosmetic surgery, what has your experience been like? Be sure to leave a comment below.

Best Plastic Surgeon New Jersey: Summary

  • Think twice about getting plastic surgery if a friend or family member has been telling you to do so
  • At the end of the day, this needs to be you and your decision alone
  • Don’t get surgery because you want to look and/or have the life of a celebrity
  • For one, this is having unrealistic expectations, which could affect the results
  • And two, that feature may not complement your face
  • If you are constantly looking in the mirror, obsessing over your looks, you may want to consider making an appointment with a qualified psychologist to see if there could psychological reasons why you want cosmetic surgery
  • Since surgery is permanent, don’t go through with it on a moment’s notice
  • Make sure your life is positive and fulfilling before undergoing surgery

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Berlet, be sure to contact Berlet Plastic Surgery.

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